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Solutions for Enterprise Wide Procurement (SEWP) V

NASA – Solutions for Enterprise Wide Procurement (SEWP) V

Government Wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) to provide IT products, services and solutions.  The main purpose of SEWP is to provide state-of-the-art Business Class Computers, Scientific and Engineering Workstations, Networking Equipment, Printers, Scanners, Peripheral Devices, and Engineering Services to all Federal Agencies and the Military.

Contract Number(s):

Group A: NNG15SD51B
Group C: NNG15SD85B

Delivery: As agreed upon during the quoting process
Products & Services: NCS’s SEWP contracts provide End User Computers/Desktop Computers, Professional Workstations, Servers, Laptops/Portable/Notebook Computers, Optical and Imaging Systems, Asset Tagging, Input/output and Storage Devices, Networks, 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Solutions, in addition to a vast array of IT Services that includes but not limited to Custom Disk Imaging, Hardware Repair, and Professional Consultants.
Individuals Authorized to Place Orders: SEWP contracts are available for use by NASA, all Federal agencies and approved Federal agency support contractors (subject to FAR 51.101; FAR 51.102; FAR 51.107) in addition to the Military.

Fair Opportunity: FAR 16.505(b) (1) provides that each contractor shall be given fair opportunity to be considered for each order exceeding $10,000 and issued under multiple award contracts. The FAR states that the method to obtain fair opportunity is at the discretion of the CO and that the CO must document the rationale for placement and price of each order. Using the SEWP online Quote Request Tool is the recommended method to assist in this activity and to augment the required decision documentation. The SEWP QRT tool will automatically include the Contract Holders within a selected Group or based on a suggested source.

NOTE: Fair Opportunity to all Contract Holders within one or more SEWP Groups or set-asides is required. There is no requirement to obtain 3 quotes as long as all Contract Holders within a Group or set-aside were provided opportunity to provide a quote.
Period of Performance: May 1, 2015 to October 31, 2025
Products & Pricing: SEWP contract fee is 0.34%

Contract Support:

NCS Contacts for questions regarding this contract:

Program Manager
Robert Rose

Deputy Program Manager
Doug Eacker

SEWP Analyst
Phuc Vuong


SEWP Office Customer Support:

Helpline: (301) 286-1478
Monday – Friday 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM EST.
