Rackscale integration

Enterprise agility with ready to reply solutions

Maintain organization agility with enterprise systems that are fully inter-connected and ready to install.

When organizations are looking to enhance their enterprise infrastructure quickly, our rack-scale team, backed by proven processes, delivers ready-to-use systems. Experience the convenience and efficiency that keep organizations moving forward.

NCS has decades of experience as a systems integrator delivering custom solutions. We have a dedicated team of project managers and electrical, mechanical, software, integration, and quality control engineers. Together ensure the success of your project. The services we provide are:

  • Solutions architecture
  • Rack-Scale design integration
  • “Build to Print” integration (to meet predefined specifications)
  • Hardware solution verification testing
  • Application provisioning – Cloud or Bare Metal
  • Worldwide logistical services
  • On-site solution deployment & orchestration services


As a one-stop shop, we will work with your team to develop a comprehensive project plan that will address everything from the acquisition of components down to the calculation of power consumption. Leveraging long-established relationships with OEMs and distributors, we can source IT hardware and software cost-effectively, and our team of engineers will ensure it all works as expected.

In-House Expertise

Our state-of-the-art, secure integration facility offers a semi-automated production line, integration services, an environmental testing lab, robotics, and 3D printing for custom manufacturing and prototypes. Our extensive production facility ensures we are fully stocked with equipment and tools to build, label, pack, and prepare heavy-weight racks for shipping. As an ITAR-compliant facility, you can be assured that your builds will remain secure.

Connect With Us

Start your simplified technology journey.

Reach out to our experts for a simple consultation regarding your technology needs. Don’t worry, there is no pressure and we won’t bug you with marketing calls.

Additional Resources

Rack-scale brochure

Solution Overview

Logistics Services

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